If my Mom heard me say that she would be quite irate. Not that she disagrees, she just hates the word “SUCKS”. (Sorry Mom!) My point is this: Words are powerful, provoking emotion and when strung together properly, and delivered with passion, can change culture… “I have a dream…” And yet, as powerful as a word is, imagery is what truly changes culture, and especially this culture. We are media driven and love it! Now…
CategoriesLiberty Grace, Toronto
Give me a Mountain
We get approached many times by faith based not-for-profits looking for some sponsorship or a break as they try to bootstrap their way to launch. When Norm Grant, a local real estate agent in Barrie, who Rhubarb Media helped brand a couple years ago, came to me with this idea of a grassroots, mens org designed to find building projects men could put their…
Who is Pastor Pixel?
Chad was a pastor for 15 years, the last five years of which he found himself focused on the arts. At his last church, although his title was Pastor of Creative Communications, he was jokingly called the “Pastor of Pixels and Publications”, having spent a major amount of time designing as well as editing video. Since stepping out of vocational ministry and launching Rhubarb Media, he and his team still do a lot of creative work…